
CS1107 Intro to Computers was a nice review of computer systems. During the class I felt like we could have gone more into depth on some subjects, like # bases, programming, electronic components of computers, there was a lot of web basics though, that were fun and good intro work. If anything this class helped me decide the computer workforce is where I'd like to be.


Cloud Document Sharing Google Docs

Today we demonstrated how easy it can be to transfer documents on the internet, Like CS-1107 Document, or CS-1107 Spreadsheets. All of these could be business documents and be securely constructed, transfered and stored for free on the Internet.


Computer Use, Spreadsheet

Here is an self-updating google spreadsheet connected to the 'Computer Use Form'. The first results were from in class.

What is your computer use?

A form made by the author to rate computer use of our readers. External Link


Good Site: iFixit.com

I have an iBook that needs a chip soldered back on to the logic board, and I am installing a new HD for a HP D1000.

at Blurb.com you can preview books

A book from blurb.com called DOS Programs

Crazy Colors

"Color Boxes"
Generated from a picture of the RGB Circles

Crazy Boxes

"Crazy Boxes" By Stephen R. Smith
Computer Generated Art using Paint.NET a portable paint program


Safelock; Biometrics based on typing patterns

Safelock uses a pressure sensitive keyboard, and a algorithmic simularity software that figures out a persons typing pattern. At login, a person may know the password, but their typing pattern won't match unless they are the original creator.


Whipped up a Business Card today.

I decided on a Portrait Layout, it should stand out
from other Landscap Business cards.


Presentation from Zoho.com!

This is what we did today in Intro to Computers. We were learning how to create online public presentations, how to insert hyperlinks, images, and clip art to them as well. Thanks for viewing


Old and Older but still as fast as they were.

Powermac Dual G4 2gb Ram, 320 GB HDD DVD-R/CD-RW SuperDrive

Apple IIgs, with daisy chained 5.25 true floppy's and a 3.5 SuperDrive
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Video Tutorial on making a frame in paint,

To frame a picture in Paint, we change the size in the Image Menu, stretch the canvas, select and move image, then draw a box with an invisible center.

Finished Product!


See the World with Google Maped Images.

Clicking on an image thumbnail will show a closer look


Today's Blog, More Computers.

Students use computers in a lab(usually connected to a local network that connects to the internet.) to work on homework or study web references. Computers are essential for modern schools/education.

Computers can be very small, like this Pogoplug Personal Computer that is the size of a common charger plug. Something that is also commonly lost... for me.

Is currently TOP500 #1 Fastest supercomputer, developed for US Department of Energy. Cost US$133-million. Used off the shelf computer parts, AMD Opterons and IBM Cell processors, running open source software Red Hat Linux.



Computers are Everywhere, 1st Post, and Presentation explaining the Blog.

Since the invention of the internet, many more uses for computers have been found. Now days it's not unusual to see someone anywhere with computer, they are accepted as being Everywhere.